The Metatron, also known as the Metatron Cube, is a potent symbol within sacred geometry. The Metatron represents all things that exist in the known universe, no matter how great or how insignificant, and the unending flow of energy between everything in the universe.
Handcrafted, one of a kind Orgonite & Shungite pendant made from and with:
108 sacred Rudrukshna Beads from the nepalese Himalaya
7 sacred corresponding chakra stones
3 sacred metals: bronze, silver & gold
2 sacred symbols - reversible - additional vibration & beauty
Made in Bali using sacred mantra’s being infused into the pendants during the creation process
Comes with instructions to consecrate and activate for individual personal activation when you purchase.
* Please note: As most of our products are handcrafted, unique and some 'one off' pieces, stock is subject to availability and first in first serve basis. We apologise in advance if the product / or product line you wish to purchase has been bought out, out of stock, and no longer available.